Saturday, March 2, 2013

So, It snowed

A lot. A Whole lot, we got three days off of school. And then we went back to school.

And then it snowed again. 

*waves fist at Kansas weather*

So we got two more days off of school, but that means we'll have to make up for it in June. Everything is covered in snow and it is probably going to be like that for the next few weeks. I'm sick of snow, Spring is so close I can hardly stand it. I swear, if March is cold I'm going to cry or the rest of eternity.

Spring, please come early. For me?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations

I am currently listening to some Broadway Musical radio on Pandora and trying not to get distracted by the song that's playing, whilst trying to write out a well thought out post. Not my strong suit.

Lately my thoughts have been extremely scattered. Maybe because there's school and I don't have enough time to mentally organize my thoughts as well as I'd like, because I'm thinking about the test that's tomorrow, and I really need to think of a new conclusion for my term paper, and I need to figure out how to tell the difference between a plant cell and an animal cell.

But more likely because I'm just scatterbrained. Such a bad trait, I should work on that.

No photos today, I'm on my father's iPad and can't upload anything, sorry.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

thoughts of today

My absolute favorite thing ever is when someone says “Oh hey, I was doing _________ and it reminded me of you.” or something because the fact that I occur to someone when I’m not talking to them or anything is the best thing ever. I have a hard time realizing that I exist to other people when I’m not with them, and when they mention it I’m just shocked.
The same thing happens when I’m meeting someone for the first time and they say something like “I’ve heard so much about you.” Because people I know have told them things about me. I just find it weird that I have a reputation. People I don’t even know could have opinions about me, they think I’m weird or quiet or something. I just find it odd.
this photo is from forever ago, but i felt the need to post a photo and this was the best i could find. so enjoy this photo that has nothing to do with the post itself.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

photoshoot with Bridget

 I'm going through pages and pages of dozens of blogs, trying to think of something worth writing about. My mother bought herself a new camera the other day, so I've been playing with that. It felt good to take photos just because again. Lately I've only been taking photos at events, like skiing or birthdays. But this was the first time in a long time I did it just because. It felt good to be doing that again, it was different and similar all at the same time.
I'm not sure how well the photos turned out, but I think they're pretty okay, What do you think?

Sunday, January 20, 2013


 My entire grade went skiing on Thursday. It started out great, because filling a bus with fifty seventh graders who have access to their phones is always a good time. (So. Many. Instagram Photos.) When we got there we had to wait an hour before we could actually ski because we had to gut our stuff on, get our ski boots and skis, rent helmets and all that good stuff. When we did start skiing it started off interestingly enough, thanks to me. I pushed Bridget off the slope and then nobody could find her.
After we had gone down the simple slopes a couple of times, I had the grand idea than my friend Annan and I should go down the hardest slope. I know, I'm genius, aren't I?
I made it down the hill with having only fallen once. So I waited for Annan to come down. Fast forward ten minutes, and I see Annan walking down the hill without her skis. Before she makes it down, she's swarmed by the people who work there. They take her away, me trying to stand up a few feet away, helpless. I never saw her again. Untill an hour later when I found her hanging out with my friend Shannon.

At this, we found Bridget! (Remember we lost her after I pushed her down a hill) After a glorius reunion, we ate lunch. Nothing of interest happened after that, but we watched The Incredibles on the way home.

I'm off to see Les Miserables, have any of you seen it? Is it good?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thoughts of the day.

1) Keeping on task is boring, that's why I like to spice it up by not posting for seven days.

2) My birthday was on the sixth. It was pretty uneventful, I did get an eyepatch thouhg, which was quite exciting.

3) School started on the seventh, and I have to take a computer applications class, which I am not looking forward to, and a 2D art class, which I am looking forward too.

4) So...Sometimes I write stories *gasp* but my stories are horrible cliches that no human soul should ever have to read, so don't ask to read them, don't do that to yourself. But I was reading through some of my old things that I wrote in the fith grade or something like that. And as I was reading I thought "Hey, this isn't half-bad." But then read something I wrote recently and I cringe. Maybe it's because I always see the past better that it was but, I seriously feel like my writing has gone no where but downhill and it’s really frustrating. I’ve been having such a hard time writing lately, and it really terrifies me.

3)  I forgot how much I love blogging. I'd think "Oh no, I have to go and read everyone's blog and think of comments to write (even though I have to most horrible habit of forgetting to leave comments on blogs) One of my favorite things about blogging is all of the little updates on everyone’s lives. I like reading about how someone had a good day someone learned something new or accomplished something exciting.
It reminds me that there are happy people in the world

Thursday, January 3, 2013


 So earlier today my good 'ol pals at the CLC (which will now and forever be referred to as "Youth Group" since that's what everyone at my school calls it) hosted a movie day. They'll do this every once in while, and usually we'll get to pick to movies, which is why we once watched "Elf." in July. This time my grand old friend, Mary Kate happened to pick the movie "Marvel's The Avengers."

I have a slight obsession with The Avengers. Slight isn't the right word, I've cried about the perfection of this movie, this is a very big obsession.

There were about ten people there, including myself and Joe, the youth ministry director. It included Mary Kate and me crying over a character death, me yelling at the characters (PEPPER, PICK UP THE PHONE!) and general amount of people texting, which you will undoubtedly get when you put a group of thirteen-year-olds together for a period of time.  After the movie was over we all went outside where a couple of people played basketball and I took photos.

 That is all for today, I'm working on a really cheesy video to share with all of you, but it may or may not get finished, depending on whether or not my video editor wants to cooperate and how lazy I am. Stay cool, my friends.